AAMBFS prides itself for graduating an extensive number of high-ranking leaders, notable decision makers and influencers who continue to drive their impact in different areas in the business world of today.
“أكاديمية كل العرب”..كان ولا يزال ذلك هو نص الشعار الذي ظلت تعمل تحت رايته الأكاديمية العربية للعلوم الإدارية والمالية والمصرفية منذ تأسيسها في عام 1985. وعبر السنين، أصبحت الأكاديمية منارةً لجميع المحترفين في القطاعات الإدارية والمالية والمصرفية تقدم لهم المعرفة العلمية والمهنية بما يسمح بتطورهم في تخصصاتهم المختلفة.
تقدم الأكاديمية مناهج علمية تطبيقية مدروسة تستطيع أن تنافس بها ما تقدمه أرقى المؤسسات الأكاديمية حول العالم، وتسعى جاهدة لإعداد جيل جديد مستعد لبث روح التجديد في مختلف المجتمعات العربية.
AAMBFS is a member of the following Associations:
The AAMBFS strives to offer its students the perfect environment to grow their thoughts perfect introduce an entire generation of change makers to the community. The Academy provides its students with the most advanced techniques in its learning methods, our students undergo their life-changing academic experience through a deep “Case and Experience” methodology, in which students build a solid theoretical foundation at the same time acquiring indispensable leadership skills.
Born to the diverse community of the Arab world, the AAMBFS believes that diversity is key for an enriching learning experience. We aim to help our students grow their capabilities and realize their true potentials through encouraging them to share their voices, and network their ideas and viewpoints, thus bringing out the change maker in them.
AAMBFS is a best-in-class Academic Institution that gives you plenty of opportunities to sharpen your skills and mind. The all-time support and motivation of the faculty members of AAMBFS has enlightened many throughout the journey.